I am really late this month. In my work life we used to say OBE (overcome by events) which meant that my ducks were out of control and wondering all over the place. Things are better now.
Having said that, let’s get you up to speed on all the GCMGR / MG activity for the month. Nothing. OK, you’re up to speed. Let’s look at what’s coming up in the near future. First, and most importantly, is the club Christmas Party. The party is hosted by Nancy & Mike Phillips and is held at their home and tiny car museum. The party is on December 7. I don’t have the start time but I will have it in the next update. Direction to the Phillips house are attached. If you haven’t been, you need to attend. You can meet everybody and have a good time. If you have been, you get to see the people you haven’t seen all year. Other than the good times and fellowship there are three other reasons for attending. Food. The club will provide BBQ meats. The attendees, that’s you, will bring either a side or a dessert. Bringing something is optional, so follow your culinary skills. To avoid the wrath of Karma and to provide a healthy well balanced menu for the party (ha!) the following guidelines have been established. If your last name begins with A thru H (33 members) bring a side dish and if your last name begins with I thru Z (33 members) bring a dessert. Your offerings can be as basic or sophisticated as you like. Secret Santa. To participate you need to bring a wrapped gift worth no more than $15. The gift can be practical, useful, or weird. Application to MGs is optional. The rules will be explained at the appropriate time. As a good Secret Santa it can get lively and cut-throat. You will find out who your true friends are. Participation is voluntary but you don’t want to be sitting there missing all the fun. Limerick Contest. The rules are simple, write a limerick, and send it to me at [email protected], before the party. If you can, try to work in MGs, GCMGR or a club officer. You can enter more than once. The winner will be determined at the party. Of course, there is a prize. The next event is the first of 2025. The January club dinner on January 16th, 2025. Out host will be Aimee & Sean Herilla. The location will be announced later. In February we will have the annual Planning Meeting. The exact date is TBD but it’s not too early to be thinking about what you would like the club to be doing for the next year. Think about it and bring your ideas to the meeting. It’s also a good time to pay your dues. Club member Basil McLaren has recently had some health issues and spent a few days in the hospital. He is better now and at home. Your good wishes and maybe even a card to 10402 S 200th E Ave, Broken Arrow 74014 would not be amiss. That’s everything. I’ll see you at the Christmas party. GCMGR Lann PS: You may have seen advertisements on the Green County MG Facebook page for t-shits with the cub grill badge on it. The ad also suggested that “they” were in the process of dropping members. The whole thing was a scam. Just some nasty people trying to fool you out of your money. Please ignore them. |